Monday, 27 January 2014

Best operating system used for Hacking

Best operating system used for Hacking :-
Hacking is not an art than can be mastered overnight, it requires dedication and off-course time. Have you ever thing why Hacking is possible because of “unaware developers and inappropriate programming techniques” . As a Ethical hacker i personally realize that You can never stop hackers to hack something, you can just make his task harder by putting some extra security. if you are really interested in Hacking, You need to be know Which Operating systems are used Hackers.
 Best operating system used for hacking by hackers.
1.  Kali Linux :-
Kali Linux is an advanced penetration testing tool that should be a part of every security professional’s toolbox. Penetration testing involves using a variety of tools and techniques to test the limits of security policies and procedures. What Kali has done is collect just about everything you’ll need in a single CD. It includes more than 300 different tools, all of which are open source and available on GitHub.
2. BackTrack 5r3 :-
The evolution of BackTrack spans many years of development, penetration tests, and unprecedented help from the security community. BackTrack originally started with earlier versions of live Linux distributions called Whoppix, IWHAX, and Auditor. When BackTrack was developed, it was designed to be an all in one live cd used on security audits and was specifically crafted to not leave any remnants of itself on the laptop. It has since expanded to being the most widely adopted penetration testing framework in existence and is used by the security community all over the world.
3. BackBox Linux :-
BackBox is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It has been developed to perform penetration tests and security assessments. Designed to be fast, easy to use and provide a minimal yet complete desktop environment, thanks to its own software repositories, always being updated to the latest stable version of the most used and best known ethical hacking tools.
4. Samurai Web Testing Framework :-
The Samurai Web Testing Framework is a live linux environment that has been pre-configured to function as a web pen-testing environment. The CD contains the best of the open source and free tools that focus on testing and attacking websites. In developing this environment, we have based our tool selection on the tools we use in our security practice. We have included the tools used in all four steps of a web pen-test.
5. NodeZero Linux :- 
Penetration testing and security auditing requires specialist tools.The natural path leads us to collecting them all in one handy place. However how that collection is implemented can be critical to how you deploy effective and robust testing.
All though NodeZero Linux can be used as a “Live System” for occasional testing, its real strength comes from the understanding that a tester requires a strong and efficient system. This is achieved in our belief by working at a distribution that is a permanent installation, that benefits from a strong selection of tools, integrated with a stable linux environment.
6.  Knoppix STD :-
STD is a Linux-based Security Tool. Actually, it is a collection of hundreds if not thousands of open source security tools. It’s a Live Linux Distro, which means it runs from a bootable CD in memory without changing the native operating system of the host computer. Its sole purpose in life is to put as many security tools at your disposal with as slick an interface as it can.
7.  CAINE :-
CAINE (Computer Aided INvestigative Environment) is an Italian GNU/Linux live distribution created as a project of Digital Forensics
CAINE offers a complete forensic environment that is organized to integrate existing software tools as software modules and to provide a friendly graphical interface.

(Thanks to Bilal Rumi)

Track any MAC address Geographical Location

Track any MAC address Geographical Location

What is MAC Address ?
MAC stand for Media Access Control is unique address of each hardware device. It,s a 48-bit address. Starting 24-bit is assigned by IEEE and last 24-bit is assigned by Manufacturers.
View Your Mac address in Windows :- Start > Run > cmd > getmac
View Mac address of all connected device in your network :- use Wnetwatcher Tool 

How to track any MAC-address Geographical Location using Backtrack5R3. This trick is helful in finding lost devices.
Open Application > Backtrack > Explonitation Tools > Wireless explonation Tools >  WLAN Exploitation and Open Fern-Wifi-Cracker 
Select the ToolBox Option
It will show you location .Now you have exact location of device.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Wireless USB Adapter for Backtrack 5

Wireless USB Adapter for Backtrack 5

BackTrack is a very popular free Linux distribution that is commonly being used to hack into wireless networks by using Aircrack-ng and Reaver 1.4 to crack the WEP/WPA encryption.

1. ALFA AWUS036H is very Compatible and stable in signals to crack WEP/WPA. 
Radio Type Signals that support 802.11 b/g can be hacked . It is available from Price 25$ to 30 $. This adapter got so successful and clones are also availabe in the market. Before purchasing contact AFLA company and find dealer in your Country.

2. AWUS036NH The NH supports 802.11n, but some report it's slightly less stable.

Others are TL-WN722N , Alfa AWUS036NHR, ASUS USB-N53,ASUS USB-N53.
According to Rymond CC

USB Wireless Adapters Tested in BackTrack 5

Although AWUS036NHR is the successor of the popular AWUS036H which has better signal strength, unfortunately it is currently not supported on BackTrack 5. Alfa AWUS036H is still the best choice, followed by TP-LINK TL-WN722N especially if you can get a higher dBi antenna. There is no harm trying out your internal card to see if it works on BackTrack 5 but take note that internal cards will only work on Live CD/USB but not on virtual machine such as VirtualBox/VMware.